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Commission Prices

you accept and understand my term of service by commissioning me

Please note

These are the base prices for one simple character.

Complex characters will roughly cost $ 5 - 20 more. Additional characters will double the price.

Work i am familiar with

  • human/humanoid

  • futuristic/cyborg

  • modern

  • medieval

Commission at your own risk

  • mecha

  • eldery/child

  • furry

  • nsfw

pixel icon

Pixel Icon


Pixel Icon

$ 30  - static

+ $ 5  - one simple animation

+ $ 10  - one advanced animation


free  - flatcolor/gradient

+ $ 10  - prompt like example

no complex bg


up to 200px (works well for toyhouse and artfight character icon)

animated icon

Animated Icon


Animated icon

~ $ 65  - simple animation

(blinking, particle, smile, etc.)

~ $ 95  - complex animation

(body part movement etc.)


free  - flatcolor/photo bg

+ $ 10  - simple plot

+ $ 30  - complex scene

The definite price will be priced after your request.
all examples are complex animations.



Custom design


$90 + for sketch
$120 + for flatcolor
$140 + for shaded
Render customs are not available

Additional cost
designing on my own $50
background/template design $50

Prices depend on detail, quality, and amount of character ref. The quality of the custom is heavily based on the amount of time invested in the commission and the amount you are willing to pay.

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